Understanding Insurance Policies Key Functions and Importance

Understanding Insurance Policies: Key Functions and Importance

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In the insurance industry, numerous terms are crucial for potential customers to comprehend. For instance, ‘insurance policy‘ is a vital term because it directly pertains to the rules and regulations governing this financial product.

Understanding insurance policies is crucial for prospective insurance customers. It is particularly important for new customers who are considering purchasing and using insurance services for the first time.

Certainly, before opting for this protection product, it’s crucial to comprehend the insurance policyInsurance policy An agreement between the policyholder and the insurance company to perform the obligations as agreed by both parties. and all its components. To learn more about the definition of insurance policies, their functions, and examples, consider the explanation that follows.

What is an Insurance Policy?

Understanding Insurance Policies Key Functions and Importance
Insurance Policies

An insurance policy is a contract between an insurance company and the policyholder. It is a document outlining the agreement on riskRisk Risk is a loss that occurs to the insured individual or object. Various bad possibilities could happen to someone. transfer, conditions, and responsibilities of both parties. Therefore, it is crucial for customers to comprehend the contents of an insurance policy to be aware of their rights and duties.

This document will serve as a guideline for customers seeking coverage rights and compensation from the insurance company. Conversely, it also offers protection to insurance companies against claimsClaim The demands are given by the insurance policyholder to get the right properly so that the insurer pays the conditions according to the existing procedure. by customers that fall outside the agreed-upon terms.

For instance, in health insurance, the policyPolicy The policy is a binding agreement and is agreed upon by the insurance company and policyholder in writing. An agreement made by the policyholder with an insurance company. includes details about certain chronic diseases that are not covered by the insurerInsurer A person who is legally listed in the insurance policy to make premium payments for that policy.. Should a customer seek a claimClaim The demands are given by the insurance policyholder to get the right properly so that the insurer pays the conditions according to the existing procedure. for protection against one of these excluded diseases, the insurance company is entitled to deny it.

This policy constitutes an agreement between the insuredInsured A person who is legally listed in the insurance policy to receive benefits from the policy. A person whose life/health is covered in accordance with an insurance agreement or contract. (the customer) and the insurer (the insurance company). Under this agreement, the customer is required to pay premiumsPremium The money that must be paid at a certain time is the obligation of the insurance policyholder. The amount of premium paid is determined by the policy and approval of the insurance company in accordance with the conditions of the insured. The nominal payment approved by policyholders and insurance companies. Premium payment will be made according to the agreement, it can be monthly, yearly, or according to the agreement., and the insurance company is obligated to offer protection as per the covered risksRisk Risk is a loss that occurs to the insured individual or object. Various bad possibilities could happen to someone..

Recognizing the significance of insurance policies, it is only logical for potential policyholders to thoroughly examine and comprehend the policy details before committing to the insurance they require.

Functions of Insurance Policy

Insurance policies serve multiple functions that are essential for prospective customers to understand, such as:

Functions of Insurance Policy No.1


Explaining the Insurance PremiumPremium The money that must be paid at a certain time is the obligation of the insurance policyholder. The amount of premium paid is determined by the policy and approval of the insurance company in accordance with the conditions of the insured. The nominal payment approved by policyholders and insurance companies. Premium payment will be made according to the agreement, it can be monthly, yearly, or according to the agreement. Scheme

An insurance policy includes a range of crucial details, such as the premium scheme outlined in the insurance contract. This document will detail the premium scheme, covering aspects like the types of risks insuredInsured A person who is legally listed in the insurance policy to receive benefits from the policy. A person whose life/health is covered in accordance with an insurance agreement or contract., the extent of coverage, the premium amount payable by the policyholder, among other things.

Customers should thoroughly learn and comprehend the premium scheme. This knowledge will enable them to select an insurance policy that aligns with their financial capacity, ensuring that they receive the utmost benefits from their insurance in the future.

Functions of Insurance Policy No.2


Regulating Rights and Obligations

An insurance policy serves to define the rights and responsibilities of the insured (customer) and the insurer (insurance company). It encompasses the conditions of premium payments, the duty to assume risk, and other significant stipulations agreed upon by both parties.

Functions of Insurance Policy No.3


Contains Important Information

An insurance policy is a crucial document that includes a range of details about the insurance services offered, such as the type of coverage, the coverage amount, and more. This information helps customers understand their rights and obligations more easily.

Functions of Insurance Policy No.4


Assistance in the Filing and Settlement of Claims

This document serves as a crucial foundation required for the resolution of claims related to risks encountered by the insured. The insurance policy outlines the terms and processes for filing claims, ensuring that settlements are conducted swiftly and in line with the original agreement.

Insurance Policy Benefits

Understanding Insurance Policies Key Functions and Importance
Insurance Policies

Generally, the advantages of insurance policies can be categorized into two main types:

Benefits of Insurance Policies for CustomersBenefits of Insurance Policy for Companies
It serves as written proof of the guaranteeWarranty Statement A statement issued by a potential customer regarding the condition of the person or thing insured. for protection and coverage against various risks, along with compensation for losses that may occur to the insured party.Provide proof or a receipt of insurance premiums paid by the insured.
It serves as evidence of the customer’s premium payment to the insurance company.It serves as written proof of the guarantee provided to the insured.
It constitutes genuine evidence that can be used to sue the insurer if they are negligent in providing the protection and guaranteesWarranty Statement A statement issued by a potential customer regarding the condition of the person or thing insured. that are the customer’s right.Authentic evidence can refute claims made by the insured if they fail to comply with the policy’s stipulations.

Nature of Insurance Policy

An insurance policy is a crucial document that serves as proof and confirmation for the insurance holder, wherein the customer transfers the agreed-upon risks to the insurer. Insurance policies carry legal weight, distinguishing them from other types of contracts.

The following are some of the characteristics contained in insurance policies and need to be understood well:

Nature of Insurance Policy No.1



Insurance policies may not specify conditions or techniques for the manufacturing process, which categorizes them as informal contracts. In such contracts, the mutual agreement of both parties is prioritized when forming an agreement.

Nature of Insurance Policy No.2



Insurance policies are unilateral contracts in which only the insurer (insurance company) is legally bound by a promise. The insurer commits to providing coverage should the insured encounter risks that align with the terms of the agreement.

A life insurance policy is an example of a unilateral contract where the beneficiaries receive a specified sum of money upon the insured individual’s death.

While the insured (policy owner) has not made a commitment to pay the premiums, they cannot be legally compelled to do so. Nevertheless, failure to pay the insurance premium will result in the automatic cancellation of the policy.

Nature of Insurance Policy No.3



Insurance policies are aleatory contracts in which one party compensates the other for agreeing to a conditional arrangement. This enables one party to potentially receive a sum greater than what they have contributed.

An insured individual may receive benefits that exceed the total premiums paid to the insurance company. Conversely, the insurance company may collect premiums that accumulate to a sum greater than the insurance coverage provided.

Nature of Insurance Policy No.4



Insurance policies are considered contracts of adhesion, where the agreement is solely drafted by the insurer (insurance company). The insured, who is the recipient of the contract, does not participate in its drafting.

Should the prospective customer (the insured) concur with the policy’s terms, they will sign it. Conversely, if the insured disagrees with the policy’s terms, they have the option to decline or refrain from signing the insurance policy.

Contents of Insurance Policy

In general terms, an insurance policy is a contract that serves as the foundation for the partnership between insurersInsurer A person who is legally listed in the insurance policy to make premium payments for that policy. and their clients. An insurance policy should contain several key elements to ensure the clarity and legal validity of the agreement, such as:

Police Summary

The policy summary should encompass and elucidate a number of key points, such as:

  • The policyholder or the insured individual designated to receive benefits, or representatives acting on behalf of the heirsHeir The name of the person listed in the insurance policy as the party receiving compensation in the event of death to the Insured..
  • Benefits, including insurance benefits and additional perks, are available.
  • Details of the premium bills for the customer’s dependents.
  • List the nominal or cash valuesCash Value Total money was given by the insurance company to policyholders (cash value). that can be used as collateral, if available.

General and Special Provisions

This section of the insurance policy should detail both the general and specific terms, including the coverage validity period, benefits explanation, premium payment methods, payment due dates, the currency and exchange rates applied to premium transactions and insurance tied to the Rupiah, the timeframe during which the company may not contest the insurance contract’s validity, and various other aspects as determined by the insurer’s policiesPolicy The policy is a binding agreement and is agreed upon by the insurance company and policyholder in writing. An agreement made by the policyholder with an insurance company. and agreements with the customer.

Insurance Registration Form and Request Letter Template

During the insurance application process, policyholders must complete a request letter and an insurance registration form. A duplicate of this document will be incorporated into the insurance policy as evidence.

Insurance Policies

Below are some examples of insurance policies that may serve as an overview of the agreement:

Insurance Policies No.1


Health Insurance

This insurance type offers a guarantee of protection covering a range of medical expenses and the insured’s health care, including treatment costs, surgery costs, medication expenses, hospitalization fees, and more.

A health insurance policy typically includes detailed provisions applied by the company, such as an explanation of terms used in the policy, the benefits covered, the waiting periodWaiting Period The period after the policy is issued in which the insurance policy does not cover the insured’s medical expenses until a certain period. The period when there is no premium payment due to certain reasons. for insurance, guidelines for extending the policy’s validity, and the process for premium payments.

Furthermore, the health insurance policy includes details on the grace periodGrace period The time period after the premium due date where the premium can still be paid without being subject to interest and the policy can still be accounted for. The term used to describe the grace period given to policyholders for 30 days from the due date of payment. The deadline was given by the insurance company to the policyholder to pay the agreed premium., cooling-off period, terms regarding the termination of coverage, requirements for policyholders, and other significant stipulations.

Insurance Policies No.2


Car and Vehicle Insurance

Car insurance is a form of protection that covers losses resulting from vehicle accidents or theft. This insurance encompasses various types of coverage, including repair expenses, vehicle replacement (if it’s lost or extensively damaged), and third-party liability in case of an accident.

Car insurance policies typically include details about the risks covered by the insurer, such as theft and accidents that may occur unexpectedly. Moreover, these policies often outline various risks that are not covered by the insurance company.

The policy outlines the various conditions that both the insured and the insurer must fulfill as per the agreement, including the procedure for filing a claim and other significant aspects of the contract.

Insurance Policies No.3


Life Insurance

Life insurance is a service that offers compensation to the beneficiaries of the insured in the event of the insured’s death. The compensation can be issued as a lump sum payment or distributed periodically, in accordance with the terms of the insurance policy.

This insurance policy outlines various terms within the insurance agreement, including: cash benefits received upon the insured’s illness or death, exclusions pertaining to coverage, and specific medical procedures.

Furthermore, the life insurance policy will outline the procedures for claim submission, premium payments, policy modifications/extensions, dispute resolution mechanisms, coverage zones, terms and conditions of the insurance, and other vital details pertinent to the insurance contract.

How to Learn Insurance Policy

As previously mentioned, comprehending the contents of the policy is crucial. Below are tips for studying insurance policies.

How to Learn Insurance Policy No.1


Read Thoroughly

Prior to consenting to any insurance purchase agreement, it is crucial to carefully read and fully comprehend the terms and conditions associated with the insurance product. This understanding will provide clear insight into the product, encompassing both its advantages and drawbacks. Consequently, you will avoid feeling misled or burdened by the insurance company.

How to Learn Insurance Policy No.2


Review the Summary of Insurance Policies

Once you have read through the entire document, it’s important to review the insurance policy overview. This summary typically spans 3-5 pages and includes details such as the policyholder’s identity, the sum assuredSum Assured Amount of Sum Insured or Amount of security deposit insured to policyholders., coverage of protection, premium payments, the period of insurance validity, among others.

Please read and comprehend the overview sheet thoroughly and attentively. It is important because it may contain data that does not align with the offer previously provided.

How to Learn Insurance Policy No.3


Understanding Insurance Terms

Understanding certain terms is crucial when dealing with an insurance policy:

  • Grace Period: A set duration after the premium payment’s due date during which the payment can be made without the policy lapsing.
  • Policyholder: A person who is bound by an agreement made with an insurance company and is responsible for all his obligations to the insurance company.
  • Premium: refers to the specified payment amount agreed upon by the policyholder and the insurance company. These premium payments are made according to the terms of the agreement, which may be on a monthly, yearly, or other agreed-upon basis.

How to Learn Insurance Policy No.4


Utilize the Police Grace Period

If a policyholder discovers discrepancies with the data or offer, they are entitled to request a cooling-off period. This time allows for a thorough review of the insurance policy. Also known as the grace period, it typically spans 7 to 14 days.

During this period, policyholders may apply for cancellation if certain terms or offers do not align with the agreement.

How to Learn Insurance Policy No.5


Check Insurance Policy Conditions

When reviewing the policy terms, ensure you understand the protection provided to customers, including all the requirements. Confirm that you can fulfill the stipulated obligations.

Ensure that conditions such as data errors do not prevent the fulfillment of requirements. Thus, when submitting a claim, one may face obstacles or it may even become unprocessable.

The Conclusion

The Importance of Understanding Insurance Policies Should Not Be Underestimated

Many customers often overlook the significance of insurance policies and neglect to read them, simply proceeding to apply for insurance. However, these documents hold all the crucial details pertaining to the insurance agreement. To avoid future regrets, it is vital not to dismiss the importance of comprehending the insurance policy before making a decision to apply.

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