Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping

6 Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping

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In everyday life, shopping for necessities is arguably one of the most absolutely fulfilled things. Especially when you are married, of course, you are required to be able to live frugally by “smart shopping”. What is smart shopping? This can be interpreted as shopping for necessities in the most efficient way so that you get what you want without having to spend a lot of money, or in other words, save on shopping.

This is very important to do because smart shopping will help us to provide more space for money to be used in other urgent sectors. In connection with this discussion, what should be done to be able to shop smart? There are several things to do. Here’s the review:

Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping No.1


Create a Shopping List

Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping
Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping: Create Shopping List

This is the first thing you should do before shopping. Before going to the supermarket or market, make a list of things to buy. The goal is clear, by making the list, you will avoid buying unnecessary items and even forget not to buy the things you need.

Try, the list starts from the most important items first, then continues on the items that are trivial or can be looked forward to. The goal is the same as mentioned above, to avoid buying unnecessary items.

Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping No.2


Bring a budget that fits your needs

Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping
Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping: Bring Money As Needed

When you start shopping, don’t carry too much money in your wallet. Bring enough money according to the shopping list that has been made. What if the price goes up? Please just bring more money just in case, but the amount should not be more than 10% of the estimated value of the total expenditure.

The purpose of this is so that you can focus on meeting the main needs that have been made on the shopping list first. Later when there is leftover, it doesn’t matter if you want to use it again or not. In addition, bringing a lot of money can also provoke crime.

Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping No.3


Avoid Payment By Credit Or Debit Card

Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping
Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping: Don’t Use Credit Cards

Regarding number 2, we advise you to pay using cash. Why is that? Because if you pay using a credit card and debit card, it will allow you to spend more to add to an existing spending plan.

If security reasons are considered, you may bring a debit card with a limited balance. However, this debit card is special, only for shopping.

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Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping No.4


Discipline With a Shopping List That Has Been Made

Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping
Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping: Discipline Shopping

We repeat, the purpose of making a shopping list is to avoid buying unnecessary items. Because of that, it’s a bit strange if you still fail to shop frugally when you’ve made a shopping list. In this case, it is very necessary discipline from the people who shop so that the goals that have been made on the shopping list can be more felt.

Even if you want to buy items that are not planned, do it when all the main items have been successfully purchased. After that, then you can think about buying other things. Remember, no success comes without discipline. Likewise, with smart shopping, it will not work without discipline from you.

Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping No.5


Go straight home after shopping

Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping
Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping: Just Go Home

Well, if you have finished shopping for goods with the planned budget. Don’t take a walk or spoil your eyes around the place, but go straight home. Because walking around will actually make you interested in other things that shouldn’t be bought.

Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping No.6


Record Your Expenses

Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping
Ways to Save Money With Smart Shopping: Record Your Expenses

Try to ask for a receipt or shopping receipt from the store or supermarket where you shop. Even if the merchant does not provide it, try to record it yourself. Always do this when you are done shopping. Why is it necessary to record expenses? The goal is that you can review prices and have an overview of your expenses when you want to shop again the next day.

In addition, be diligent to check the price of goods elsewhere. Who knows you can get goods elsewhere at a cheaper price but good quality. Don’t buy things that you think are expensive, or too cheap.

The Conclusion

Make Expenditure Appropriately

So, do you know how to shop smart? Therefore, immediately practice so that your expenses become effective and more efficient. For those who are not used to doing it, you should start to try to live frugally. Because we are the ones who will feel the benefits. Therefore, let’s shop smart!

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