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5 Biggest Insurance User Mistakes You Should Know, Avoid These!

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In any case, we are required to be more intelligent individuals in dealing with any challenges that may arise suddenly. This must be done to minimize the losses that will be received by everyone. Unfortunately, not everyone has a good ability in managing life. So not infrequently who experience collapse. This is viewed from any side. Be it education, work, to prepare for retirement.

For example, in terms of education. A student is not able to manage himself to be able to complete his education period. At least on time. So that this incident will result in a waste of time, energy, and also costs.

Then the example from the work side, for example, the person cannot blend in well with the work environment, be it colleagues, bosses, workplaces, and others. Finally, the person can not contribute to a satisfactory work result. Both for himself and for the company.

The ability to plan and prepare strategies in dealing with unexpected events in the future is something that needs to be improved. Why? When you are increasingly unable to adapt your needs to increasingly diverse challenges, it is more likely that you will not live an orderly and calm life.

This of course requires help and support. One way to help you prepare for a better future is the guaranteesWarranty Statement A statement issued by a potential customer regarding the condition of the person or thing insured. and protections that are now widely offered by various insurance companies.

Important Functions of Insurance

What is the function or importance of having insurance as a guarantor or protector against unexpected events in the future? Insurance will guaranteeWarranty Statement A statement issued by a potential customer regarding the condition of the person or thing insured. and protect the insuredInsured A person who is legally listed in the insurance policy to receive benefits from the policy. A person whose life/health is covered in accordance with an insurance agreement or contract. assets, be it health, customer life, or assets owned by customers.

This protection will be seen when a challenge or obstacle arises that has the potential or even has injured the insurance customer, be it in terms of health, work safety, customer life, or the insured asset.

For example, when an accident occurs and you can’t make payments at the hospital because you don’t have enough money, you can file a health insurance claim or life insurance at an insurance company that records your name as a customer.

This claimClaim The demands are given by the insurance policyholder to get the right properly so that the insurer pays the conditions according to the existing procedure. serves as a sign that you are taking your rights after several years of investing in the insurance.

Mistakes in Choosing Insurance

Although insurance is now widely used, especially after the government emerges as health insurance and employment insurance with fairly low premiumsPremium The money that must be paid at a certain time is the obligation of the insurance policyholder. The amount of premium paid is determined by the policy and approval of the insurance company in accordance with the conditions of the insured. The nominal payment approved by policyholders and insurance companies. Premium payment will be made according to the agreement, it can be monthly, yearly, or according to the agreement., it is not uncommon for some people to want additional protection obtained from other insurance, for example, from private insurance companies.

However, not infrequently this decision actually gave birth to a fatal error. What are the mistakes in insurance that often occur in society? Let’s see and use this as a guide not to make the same mistake.

Biggest Insurance User Mistakes No.1

Compassion with the insurance agentAgent People who work and are tied to insurance companies to find and serve policyholders. Insurance company employees who are tasked with marketing products or serving prospective customers, starting from submitting the policy provisions to the contents of the policy agreement after becoming a policyholder. who offers you

Biggest Insurance User Mistakes
Biggest Insurance User Mistakes: Taking Insurance Out of Compassion

It can be said that getting insurance customers, especially for private insurance companies is not an easy matter. The possibility that arises due to the difficulty of getting insurance customers could be the customer’s lack of knowledge about the importance of insurance or it could be because the premiums are high enough to make the customer think about delaying registering himself as an insurance customer.

The difficulty in attracting people’s attention to become insurance customers is sometimes enough to make insurance agents become workers with the image of needing compassion. In the end, it is not uncommon for prospective customers to register themselves as insurance customers just because they feel sorry for their promotional agents who might be the closest people, such as family and neighbors.

But are you aware that with this attitude you can get the wrong and inappropriate insurance?

Not to mention if the premiumPremium The money that must be paid at a certain time is the obligation of the insurance policyholder. The amount of premium paid is determined by the policy and approval of the insurance company in accordance with the conditions of the insured. The nominal payment approved by policyholders and insurance companies. Premium payment will be made according to the agreement, it can be monthly, yearly, or according to the agreement. you have to pay per month is relatively high. There are still problems regarding the rules and policiesPolicy The policy is a binding agreement and is agreed upon by the insurance company and policyholder in writing. An agreement made by the policyholder with an insurance company. set by insurance companies, for example regarding filing claimsClaim The demands are given by the insurance policyholder to get the right properly so that the insurer pays the conditions according to the existing procedure., which differ from one company to another.

Biggest Insurance User Mistakes No.2

Do not know the benefits of the selected insurance

Biggest Insurance User Mistakes
Biggest Insurance User Mistakes: Types of Insurance

Point 2 may be a point that is quite worrying but often happens. Not infrequently people are registered as members or customers of certain insurances with the thought of getting protection and guarantees for themselves as policyholders.

In fact, not all types of insurance provide the same benefits, although sometimes several types combine into one package with other types of insurance.

For example, you buy education insurance for the benefit of your child’s education. What you know is that insurance only prioritizes protection for children’s educational needs. You may not know that in the insurance there are other facilities such as children’s health insurance which will affect the premiums offered by the insurance company.

It could be that at the same time, you already have Health Insurance from the government on behalf of your child and are satisfied with the government insurance. As a result, health insurance facilities on education insurance from private insurance companies were in vain.

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Biggest Insurance User Mistakes No.3

Nobody Knows You Have Insurance

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No. 7 Know All Facilities Provided | Nobody Knows You Have Insurance

When you don’t tell those closest to you that you have insurance, the effect will be the same as when you don’t have insurance. That is, when something happens to you whose costs can be covered by the claim you submit to the company where you register as an insurance customer, your family will not file a claim and try to cover all the bills themselves.

Though maybe the nominal claim that you can get is very sufficient to finance your needs right away. And also the management is faster because there has been cooperation between insurance companies and several agenciesAgent People who work and are tied to insurance companies to find and serve policyholders. Insurance company employees who are tasked with marketing products or serving prospective customers, starting from submitting the policy provisions to the contents of the policy agreement after becoming a policyholder. such as hospitals.

Letting your family or colleagues not know that you have insurance will also burden those who will take care of all your needs that you actually have prepared, it’s just a matter of who will take care of it.

Biggest Insurance User Mistakes No.4

Not Evaluating Together with Your Insurance Agent

Biggest Insurance User Mistakes
Biggest Insurance User Mistakes: Not Doing Evaluation With Insurance Agent

Before choosing to invest in gold, it’s a good idea to learn first what are the advantages and disadvantages that may arise. Here’s the explanation. Before choosing to invest in gold, it’s a good idea to learn first what are the advantages and disadvantages that may arise. Here’s the explanation.

Establish good communication with your insurance agent. This will help you to get the latest news about your insurance and you can make adjustments to insurance whose purpose is to provide protection. Don’t let you waste money on things that you don’t know the benefits of and can’t claim due to a policyPolicy The policy is a binding agreement and is agreed upon by the insurance company and policyholder in writing. An agreement made by the policyholder with an insurance company. change in your policy.

Biggest Insurance User Mistakes No.5

Not Knowing the Difference Between Insurance and Investment

Biggest Insurance User Mistakes
Biggest Insurance User Mistakes: Savings

Most of our society can not distinguish between insurance and investment. Both are considered the same because insurance is considered a form of doubling money with more benefits, namely providing protection according to your needs. The definite difference between insurance and investment is the purpose of both.

Insurance guarantees and provides protection to the person, life, or assets insuredInsured A person who is legally listed in the insurance policy to receive benefits from the policy. A person whose life/health is covered in accordance with an insurance agreement or contract. by paying a certain amount of premium within a certain grace periodGrace period The time period after the premium due date where the premium can still be paid without being subject to interest and the policy can still be accounted for. The term used to describe the grace period given to policyholders for 30 days from the due date of payment. The deadline was given by the insurance company to the policyholder to pay the agreed premium..

While investment is an investment activity that aims to get profits in the future. Indeed, it will be able to be claimed in the end, but this is not the same as an investment because insurance guarantees and provides protection for the insured.

In contrast to investments that do not guarantee and provide protection, they are even vulnerable to become objects that are affected by an unexpected event.

The Conclusion

The Importance of Insurance

This is probably the worst mistake in the world of insurance. You do not provide a guarantee of protection for yourself, your family, or the assets you have, so you are vulnerable to the effects that may harm you such as accidents and others. For this reason, it is very important that you have insurance from now on, to anticipate unexpected events in the future.

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